Secure file, image & text hosting

We do secure storing with password or private key.

Upload file or image

How to use

You allow to load any extension file weight under 10Mb. It can be an image, word document, excel table or whatever you want.

If you want to get a short link, you have to load file with a filled password field.

Also, you can skip filling password field and we generate a random private key for secure storing your file.

Send text

How to use

You allow to load any text, what you want.

If you want to get a short link, you have to send text with a filled password field.

Also, you can skip filling password field and we generate a random private key for secure storing your message.

Get file or text

How to get

When you put here your key, we'll try to find file or message associated with your key.

Be careful, because by default file or text will be deleted after first show or save.

If you want only check file, you have to uncheck box.

Upload file with your key

Use you own key

You can use your own key to get files few times.

If you don't have key now, you can take this random key:

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